I've just been to the Bristol RSPCA to choose my bunnies! If the house visit goes well, they're mine :)
I picked up the little brown/grey one first and she nuzzled me to see what I smelled like and licked my nose. Then I cuddled the black and white one and he decided I was very interesting and sniffed me, nudged me and then gave me bunny kisses too. They're inquisitive little things, and so so soft. I cuddled at least one of every pair of rabbits there (there were quite a few!), with these two being the first I met, and I just had to have these. I was quite taken by the big rabbits that can give you big hugs, but couldn't say no to these little ones.
Decided to get two, so they can keep each other company when I'm out. I can't decide whether to have them free range in my flat (litter box and bed, but otherwise living like little cats!) or get a hutch for when I'm not around to supervise how much of my belongings they chew to bits. Also names! I want to rename them, good names for a pair- some of the other rabbits were called Gin and Tonic, Cheese and Pickle- something like that.
I can't wait to take them home! I'm so full of squeak and grin.